Jalaj Saxena to Yash Thakur, no run, floated around off, Yash Thakur defends it in front of silly point
Jalaj Saxena to Yash Thakur, no run, clipped towards short leg by the batsman. The fielder stationed there gets hit on the helmet. Was a chance, but the fielder puts it down. The physio is out in the middle to have a check on him..
Jalaj Saxena to Darshan Nalkande, 1 run, drifting on the pads, clipped through the leg-side for a single
Jalaj Saxena to Darshan Nalkande, 2 runs, on the shorter side, Darshan Nalkande rocks back and pulls it to wide long-on for a couple of runs
Jalaj Saxena to Darshan Nalkande, no run, squeezed towards mid-wicket
Jalaj Saxena to Darshan Nalkande, no run, nudged to the leg-side by the batsman
Jalaj Saxena to Darshan Nalkande, 1 run, on the shorter side, Darshan Nalkande rocks back and pulls it through mid-wicket
Jalaj Saxena to Darshan Nalkande, no run, blocked from within the crease by Darshan Nalkande
Jalaj Saxena to Darshan Nalkande, no run, flatter delivery around off, Darshan Nalkande knocks it into the off-side
Jalaj Saxena to Darshan Nalkande, no run, off-break around the off-stump channel, Darshan Nalkande defends it
Jalaj Saxena to Yash Thakur, 1 run, on a length around middle and leg, clipped through the leg-side by Yash Thakur for a single
Jalaj Saxena to Darshan Nalkande, 1 run, the lead is now 400! Fraction short on leg, Darshan Nalkande clips it uppishly past the fielder at short leg. He tried to grab it, but the ball was out of his reach
Jalaj Saxena to Yash Thakur, no run, rock solid with his front foot defence
Jalaj Saxena to Yash Thakur, no run, full and straight outside off, Yash Thakur gets beaten as the ball doesn't spin at all
Jalaj Saxena to Yash Thakur, no run, tad short around off, knocked into the off-side
Jalaj Saxena to Yash Thakur, no run, pitched up by the bowler outside off, Yash Thakur looks to defend, gets beaten
Jalaj Saxena to Darshan Nalkande, 1 run, flatter delivery around off, Darshan Nalkande steers it to backward point for one
Jalaj Saxena to Yash Thakur, 1 run, loopy delivery by the bowler, driven along the carpet to long-on
Jalaj Saxena to Nachiket Bhute, no run, flighted delivery on off, defended with low hands to the off-side
Jalaj Saxena to Nachiket Bhute, 2 runs, Saxena tosses one well outside off, pushed into the gap wide of cover and he's back for the second
Jalaj Saxena to Nachiket Bhute, no run, Saxena tosses one just outside off, goes straight on and catches Bhute's edge as he pressed forward
Jalaj Saxena to Nachiket Bhute, no run, Saxena tosses one well outside off - Bhute lunges forward in defence
Jalaj Saxena to Nachiket Bhute, no run, Saxena tosses one just outside off, defended back at the bowler
Jalaj Saxena to Darshan Nalkande, 1 run, tossed up well outside off, worked down to long-on for a single
Jalaj Saxena to Akshay Karnewar, no run, Karnewar brings out the paddle sweep, gets on top of the bounce and can't beat short fine
Jalaj Saxena to Akshay Karnewar, no run, slower and drifting onto the pads, Karnewar was looking to defend and it went straight off the pad
Jalaj Saxena to Akshay Karnewar, no run, tossed up on off, Karnewar leans well forward in defence
Jalaj Saxena to Darshan Nalkande, 1 run, there comes the slog-sweep, Nalkande doesn't get hold of the shot though and it drops well in front of the fielder at deep mid-wicket
Jalaj Saxena to Darshan Nalkande, no run, Saxena tosses one well outside off - Nalkande prods well forward in defence
Jalaj Saxena to Darshan Nalkande, no run, tossed up well outside off, Nalkande leans across and misses, struck high on the body
Jalaj Saxena to Akshay Karnewar, no run, slower and just outside off - defended to the off-side
Jalaj Saxena to Akshay Karnewar, no run, tad too full from Saxena, defended back at the bowler
Jalaj Saxena to Akshay Karnewar, no run, Saxena tosses one just outside off - blocked to the off-side
Jalaj Saxena to Akshay Karnewar, no run, flighted delivery on off, Karnewar leans well forward in defence
Jalaj Saxena to Akshay Karnewar, no run, tossed up on off, drifts in and then spins away, past Karnewar's half-forward prod
Jalaj Saxena to Darshan Nalkande, 1 run, flighted delivery from round the wicket, worked into the gap wide of mid-wicket for a single
Jalaj Saxena to Darshan Nalkande, no run, the off-break from Saxena, but the length is short and it's punched down to mid-off
Jalaj Saxena to Darshan Nalkande, 2 runs, tossed up just outside off, driven straight of mid-off, long-on gets across and keeps them down to a couple
Jalaj Saxena to Darshan Nalkande, FOUR, thumped, too full and too wide of off - Nalkande leans across and drags it over mid-on, bounces away to the ropes
Jalaj Saxena to Darshan Nalkande, no run, Saxena tosses one just outside off - a good stride forward as Nalkande defended
Jalaj Saxena to Darshan Nalkande, no run, flighted delivery on off, Nalkande goes right back as he defended
Jalaj Saxena to Darshan Nalkande, no run, flighted delivery outside off, defended off the back-foot
Jalaj Saxena to Darshan Nalkande, no run, full and straight outside off, Darshan Nalkande looks to defend, gets beaten
Jalaj Saxena to Darshan Nalkande, 2 runs, spinning down the leg-side, Darshan Nalkande nudges it to fine leg for a couple of runs
Jalaj Saxena to Darshan Nalkande, no run, leans forward to push the floated delivery towards silly point
Jalaj Saxena to Darshan Nalkande, no run, outside off, Darshan Nalkande defends it
Jalaj Saxena to Darshan Nalkande, no run, flatter around off, Darshan Nalkande defends it from within the crease
Jalaj Saxena to Darshan Nalkande, no run, tossed up delivery around off, Darshan Nalkande drives it to mid-off
Jalaj Saxena to Darshan Nalkande, no run, clipped towards the on-side by Darshan Nalkande
Jalaj Saxena to Darshan Nalkande, no run, tossed up delivery on middle and leg, eased down the pitch by Darshan Nalkande
Jalaj Saxena to Akshay Karnewar, 3 runs, on the shorter side outside off, Akshay Karnewar rocks back and carves it through the off-side for three runs
Jalaj Saxena to Akshay Karnewar, no run, knocked to silly point by the batsman
Jalaj Saxena to Akshay Karnewar, no run, defended watchfully
Jalaj Saxena to Akshay Karnewar, no run, knocked back to the bowler by Akshay Karnewar
Jalaj Saxena to Akshay Karnewar, no run, blocked watchfully from within the crease
Jalaj Saxena to Akshay Karnewar, no run, on a length around middle and leg, Akshay Karnewar defends it from within the crease
Jalaj Saxena to Akshay Karnewar, no run, nudged towards the on-side with soft hands by the batsman
Jalaj Saxena to Akshay Karnewar, no run, flighted delivery on off, Akshay Karnewar defends it in front of silly point
Jalaj Saxena to Akshay Karnewar, no run, on his front foot to defend this floated delivery
Jalaj Saxena to Darshan Nalkande, 1 run, quicker through the air outside off, steered towards third man for a single
Jalaj Saxena to Darshan Nalkande, no run, full and straight outside off, Darshan Nalkande gets a leading edge towards point
Jalaj Saxena to Darshan Nalkande, no run, clipped towards mid-wicket as this off-break keeps a touch low
Jalaj Saxena to Darshan Nalkande, no run, that keeps a touch low on middle and leg, nudged to mid-wicket by Darshan Nalkande
Jalaj Saxena to Darshan Nalkande, no run, full length delivery around off, knocked back to the bowler by Darshan Nalkande
Jalaj Saxena to Darshan Nalkande, no run, sharp off-break on middle and leg, Darshan Nalkande looks to work it away, gets hit on the pads. Sliding down the leg-side
Jalaj Saxena to Darshan Nalkande, no run, pitched up by the bowler on middle and leg, nudged to wide mid-on by Darshan Nalkande
Jalaj Saxena to Harsh Dubey, no run, flighted delivery on middle and off, Dubey goes back and turns it to the on-side
Jalaj Saxena to Harsh Dubey, no run, Saxena tosses one just outside off - a big stride forward as Dubey defended
Jalaj Saxena to Harsh Dubey, no run, flighted around off, a half-stride forward in defence
Jalaj Saxena to Harsh Dubey, no run, tossed up just outside off, Dubey leans forward in defence
Jalaj Saxena to Akshay Wadkar, 1 run, flighted delivery on off, pushed off the back-foot to cover-point
Jalaj Saxena to Akshay Wadkar, no run, tossed up well outside off - Wadkar shuffles across on the slog-sweep and missed, struck outside the line of off-stup
Jalaj Saxena to Akshay Wadkar, no run, bat-pad? Was a well flighted delivery and Wadkar lunged forward in defence, lobbed up off the pad and straight of FSL, but don't think there was an inside edge. Hang on! Kerala have made a late review, it's for LBW, 'no shot offered', says the 3rd umpire. Onto ball-tracking: It's umpire's call on hitting, just clipping the outside of off-stump. They don't get the wicket, but they don't lose the rerview as well
Jalaj Saxena to Akshay Wadkar, no run, tossed up well outside off - Wadkar got a big stride across on the slog-sweep and missed
Jalaj Saxena to Akshay Wadkar, no run, very full and just outside off - a big stride forward as Wadkar defended
Jalaj Saxena to Akshay Wadkar, no run, tossed up just outside off, Wadkar gets well forward in defence
Jalaj Saxena to Akshay Wadkar, FOUR, cracking shot, dropped short from Saxena - Wadkar rocks back and then hammers the pull past mid-wiciket, races away to the ropes in a hurry
Jalaj Saxena to Akshay Wadkar, no run, tossed up from round the wicket - Wadkar gets well forward in defence
Jalaj Saxena to Akshay Wadkar, no run, turn for Saxena, spins and bounces past Wadkar's lunge, striking him high on the fore-arm
Jalaj Saxena to Akshay Wadkar, no run, nicely tossed up outside off, Wadkar leans well forward in defence
Jalaj Saxena to Akshay Wadkar, no run, flighted delivery on off, Wadkar goes right back and pushes it to the off-side
Jalaj Saxena to Akshay Wadkar, no run, Saxena tosses one just outside off - Wadkar thrusts his bat-pad close together in defence, the ball pops up in the air and drops at the vacant silly mid-off region
Jalaj Saxena to Akshay Wadkar, no run, pushed through outside off - Wadkar stays back and punches it to cover
Jalaj Saxena to Akshay Wadkar, no run, flighted delivery on off, punched off the back-foot to the off-side
Jalaj Saxena to Akshay Wadkar, no run, Saxena tosses one well outside off, Wadkar thrusts his pad across in defence
Jalaj Saxena to Akshay Wadkar, no run, flighted delivery outside off, Wadkar leans across and defends it to the on-side
Jalaj Saxena to Akshay Wadkar, no run, very full from Saxena, blocked back at the bowler
Jalaj Saxena to Akshay Wadkar, no run, the straighter one, pitched outside off and went straight on - Wadkar was lunging forward, played for the turn and is beaten on the outside edge
Jalaj Saxena to Akshay Wadkar, no run, nicely tossed up outside off - Wadkar leans across and then offers a dead bat in defence
Jalaj Saxena to Akshay Wadkar, no run, Saxena tosses one just outside off - Wadkar presses well forward in defence
Jalaj Saxena to Akshay Wadkar, no run, pushed through outside off - Wadkar stays back and pokes, gets beaten by the slider
Jalaj Saxena to Akshay Wadkar, no run, the off-break, but the length is short and it bounces off the pad to the on-side
Jalaj Saxena to Akshay Wadkar, no run, Saxena tosses one just outside off - a big stride forward as Wadkar defended
Jalaj Saxena to Karun Nair, 1 run, tossed up on off, worked into the gap wide of mid-wicket for a single
Jalaj Saxena to Karun Nair, leg byes, FOUR, appeal for LBW as Karun misses the reverse sweep, the ball runs away to the ropes for leg byes, but Kerala have reviewed, the impact is in line and UltraEdge confirms that there's no bat, but the drift is taking it down leg and Kerala have lost another review
Jalaj Saxena to Karun Nair, no run, a run-out chance, Akshay Wadkar was almost near his partner, but the throw goes to the wrong end and the keeper fails to collect it cleanly as well - was an attempted reverse sweep and Karun missed it completely, went off the keeper's pads and lobbed behind square on the on-side. Akshay Wadkar was clearly looking for a run and is stranded in the middle, but the fielder throws it at the wrong end, it's actually the FSL fielder who fails to collect it cleanly and allows the batter to scramble home
Jalaj Saxena to Akshay Wadkar, no run, Saxena tosses one just outside off - defended to the on-side
Jalaj Saxena to Akshay Wadkar, no run, appeal for LBW, but Wadkar was a long way forward and the impact was clearly outside the line of off-stump - was struck on the pad as he defended
Jalaj Saxena to Akshay Wadkar, no run, turn and bounce for Saxena - spins past Wadkar's lunge and strikes him high on the elbow
Jalaj Saxena to Akshay Wadkar, no run, flighted delivery outside off - a good stride forward as Wadkar inside halves it to the on-side
Jalaj Saxena to Akshay Wadkar, no run, Saxena tosses one well outside off - a big stride forward as Wadkar smothered the turn
Jalaj Saxena to Akshay Wadkar, no run, beaten, tossed up and sliding with the angle, draws Wadkar forward and then goes past the outside edge
Jalaj Saxena to Akshay Wadkar, 1 run, dropped short by Saxena, chopped in front of cover for a quick single
Jalaj Saxena to Akshay Wadkar, no run, tossed up on off, Wadkar leans across and turns it to the on-side
Jalaj Saxena to Karun Nair, 1 run, another reverse sweep, and he places it backward of square on the off-side for a single
Jalaj Saxena to Karun Nair, no run, Karun brings out the reverse sweep, but he's early into the shot and toe-ends it to the off-side
Jalaj Saxena to Karun Nair, no run, flighted delivery on off, Karun goes right back in defence
Jalaj Saxena to Karun Nair, no run, tossed up on off, Karun leans across and turns it to the on-side
Jalaj Saxena to Akshay Wadkar, no run, very full from Saxena, blocked back at the bowler and that'll be stumps on Day 4
Jalaj Saxena to Akshay Wadkar, no run, pushed through with a flatter trajectory - Wadkar leans across in defence
Jalaj Saxena to Akshay Wadkar, no run, very full and spinning from the rough - Wadkar looks to drive and gets an inside edge to the on-side
Jalaj Saxena to Akshay Wadkar, no run, tossed up just outside off, Wadkar lunges well forward in defence
Jalaj Saxena to Akshay Wadkar, no run, flatter and on off, Wadkar goes back and pushes it to the bowler
Jalaj Saxena to Akshay Wadkar, no run, tossed up well outside off, Wadkar covers the line and lets it go
Jalaj Saxena to Akshay Wadkar, no run, more turn from the rough outside off, but it spins past Wadkar's back-foot block and lobs off the thigh-pad
Jalaj Saxena to Akshay Wadkar, no run, pushed through outside off - Wadkar looks to get behind in defence, but the ball bounces off the footholes and hits him high on the body
Jalaj Saxena to Akshay Wadkar, no run, flighted delivery outside off - Wadkar plays with low hands and defends it to the off-side
Jalaj Saxena to Karun Nair, 1 run, very full and on the footholes, Karun was looking to deive and lost his shape completely, skewing an inside edge to the on-side
Jalaj Saxena to Karun Nair, no run, extra bounce from middle, Karun plays with soft hands and drops it down
Jalaj Saxena to Karun Nair, no run, tossed up just outside off - Karun leans across defensively
Jalaj Saxena to Akshay Wadkar, no run, turn and bounce for Saxena, rips past the lunging batter and strikes him high on the fore-arm
Jalaj Saxena to Akshay Wadkar, no run, nicely tossed up outside off - Wadkar gets down low and then defends it to the off-side
Jalaj Saxena to Akshay Wadkar, no run, flighted delivery on off, Wadkar stays back on the block
Jalaj Saxena to Akshay Wadkar, no run, flighted delivery outside off, Wadkar goes deep into the crease and toe-ends it to slip
Jalaj Saxena to Akshay Wadkar, 2 runs, pushed through from round the wicket - Wadkar opens the face of the bat and then runs it past slip for a couple of more runs
Jalaj Saxena to Akshay Wadkar, 2 runs, dropped short and wide of off, punched into the gap wide of cover-point for a brace
Jalaj Saxena to Akshay Wadkar, no run, flighted delivery on off, Wadkar gets a big stride forward in defence
Jalaj Saxena to Akshay Wadkar, no run, dropped short and wide of off, punched off the back-foot to cover
Jalaj Saxena to Akshay Wadkar, no run, fraction short and on off - Wadkar goes back and defends it with soft hands
Jalaj Saxena to Akshay Wadkar, no run, tossed up on off, defended solidly
Jalaj Saxena to Akshay Wadkar, no run, slower and wider of off, Wadkar thrust his pad across in defence, it did lob off something and dropped in front of the diving slip fielder
Jalaj Saxena to Akshay Wadkar, no run, tossed up just outside off, Wadkar plays inside the line and lets it go
Jalaj Saxena to Akshay Wadkar, no run, flighted on off, Wadkar leans across and turns it to the on-side
Jalaj Saxena to Akshay Wadkar, no run, tossed up well wide of off, Wadkar thrusts his pad across and kicks it away
Jalaj Saxena to Akshay Wadkar, no run, flighted delivery outside off - Wadkar presses forward on the defensive push
Jalaj Saxena to Karun Nair, 1 run, Karun brings out the reverse sweep, gets on top of the bounce and gets a single to third man
Jalaj Saxena to Karun Nair, no run, flighted on off, a stride forward as Karun defended
Jalaj Saxena to Karun Nair, no run, tossed up on middle and leg, Karun goes back and turns it to the on-side
Jalaj Saxena to Karun Nair, no run, Karun attempts the reverse sweep, but the ball spins back and drops down off his fore-arm
Jalaj Saxena to Karun Nair, no run, tossed up on off, Karun leans across and then blocks
Jalaj Saxena to Yash Rathod, 1 run, slower and spinning across the left-hander - Rathod goes back, plays with soft hands and runs it past slip
Jalaj Saxena to Yash Rathod, no run, tossed up just outside off, a half-stride forward as Rathod defended it to the off-side
Jalaj Saxena to Yash Rathod, no run, Saxena drifts one well outside leg, spins in and clips Rathod on the pad as he looked to tuck
Jalaj Saxena to Yash Rathod, no run, tossed up on off, punched off the back-foot to cover
Jalaj Saxena to Karun Nair, no run, nice bit of flight on off, defended back at the bowler
Jalaj Saxena to Karun Nair, no run, tossed up just outside off, defended back at the bowler
Jalaj Saxena to Karun Nair, no run, flighted delivery on the leg-stump line, Karun picks out FSL with the flick
Jalaj Saxena to Karun Nair, no run, Saxena drags the length back as Karun came down the pitch, defended back at the bowler
Jalaj Saxena to Karun Nair, no run, Saxena tosses one on middle, defended back at the bowler
Jalaj Saxena to Karun Nair, no run, tossed up on off, Karun leans forward defensively
Jalaj Saxena to Yash Rathod, no run, played into the off-side by the batsman
Jalaj Saxena to Karun Nair, 1 run, reverse swept to third man for one
Jalaj Saxena to Karun Nair, no run, on a length around leg, nudged to short leg by Karun Nair
Jalaj Saxena to Yash Rathod, 1 run, clipped to wide mid-on by Yash Rathod for a single
Jalaj Saxena to Yash Rathod, no run, knocked back to the bowler by Yash Rathod
Jalaj Saxena to Karun Nair, 1 run, turned towards square leg by Karun Nair for one
Jalaj Saxena to Yash Rathod, 1 run, on the batsman's pads who works this towards square leg for one
Jalaj Saxena to Yash Rathod, no run, floated on middle and leg, pushed back to Jalaj Saxena
Jalaj Saxena to Yash Rathod, no run, eased to mid-off by the batsman
Jalaj Saxena to Yash Rathod, no run, on a length around off, knocked to cover by Yash Rathod
Jalaj Saxena to Yash Rathod, no run, tad short outside off, steered in front of backward point
Jalaj Saxena to Yash Rathod, no run, nudged off an inside edge towards the on-side
Jalaj Saxena to Yash Rathod, no run, on his front foot to ease this down the pitch
Jalaj Saxena to Yash Rathod, no run, tossed up delivery around off, squeezed down the pitch by Yash Rathod
Jalaj Saxena to Yash Rathod, no run, flatter through the air, Yash Rathod defends it from within the crease
Jalaj Saxena to Yash Rathod, no run, pushed to mid-off by Yash Rathod
Jalaj Saxena to Yash Rathod, 2 runs, on the pads, worked through the leg-side by Yash Rathod for a couple of runs
Jalaj Saxena to Yash Rathod, no run, floated around off, Yash Rathod defends it
Jalaj Saxena to Yash Rathod, no run, tossed up delivery around off, driven to mid-off by Yash Rathod
Jalaj Saxena to Yash Rathod, no run, on the batter's pads as Yash Rathod works it to mid-wicket
Jalaj Saxena to Yash Rathod, no run, on the batter's pads who flicks this towards mid-wicket
Jalaj Saxena to Yash Rathod, no run, tossed up delivery around middle and leg, clipped to square leg by Yash Rathod
Jalaj Saxena to Yash Rathod, no run, full and straight on middle and leg, knocked down the pitch
Jalaj Saxena to Yash Rathod, no run, drifting on the pads, clipped to square leg by Yash Rathod
Jalaj Saxena to Yash Rathod, no run, spinning away from the batsman outside off, Yash Rathod has a poke, gets beaten
Jalaj Saxena to Yash Rathod, no run, on the shorter side, punched into the off-side by Yash Rathod
Jalaj Saxena to Yash Rathod, no run, shortish delivery on off, Yash Rathod punches it hard, but the ball hits the fielder stationed at silly point
Jalaj Saxena to Yash Rathod, no run, driven to mid-on as the bowler goes full
Jalaj Saxena to Yash Rathod, no run, flatter delivery on off, eased in front of silly point by the batsman
Jalaj Saxena to Yash Rathod, no run, tossed up delivery around off, knocked in front of cover by Yash Rathod
Jalaj Saxena to Karun Nair, no run, that's a maiden over by Jalaj Saxena. Karun Nair defends the last ball of the session. That shall be tea on day 4
Jalaj Saxena to Karun Nair, no run, blocked off the front foot by the batsman
Jalaj Saxena to Karun Nair, no run, on his front foot to defend this towards gully
Jalaj Saxena to Karun Nair, no run, loopy delivery around off, Karun Nair defends it into the off-side
Jalaj Saxena to Karun Nair, no run, floated around off, knocked down the pitch by Karun Nair
Jalaj Saxena to Karun Nair, no run, looks to flick this away, but the ball clips the keeper's gloves and lobs towards Baby at leg slip. He grabs it with his left hand, but there was no bat involved
Jalaj Saxena to Karun Nair, no run, on a length around middle and leg, Karun Nair nudges it in front of short leg
Jalaj Saxena to Karun Nair, no run, pitched up by the bowler outside off, Karun Nair looks to defend, gets beaten as the ball keeps straight, doesn't turn much
Jalaj Saxena to Karun Nair, no run, floated around off, Karun Nair knocks it to extra cover
Jalaj Saxena to Danish Malewar, 1 run, swept through backward square leg by Danish Malewar for a single
Jalaj Saxena to Danish Malewar, no run, floated around off, Danish Malewar steers it into the off-side
Jalaj Saxena to Karun Nair, 1 run, century for Karun Nair! Gets to the milestone with a single through mid-wicket and raises his bat. Missed out on a well-deserved ton in the first innings, but makes sure to get there in the second innings. His team-mates are giving him a standing ovation and so are the spectators. Has made sure Vidarbha are in the driver's seat in the final game of the season
Jalaj Saxena to Karun Nair, no run, floated on off, steered to backward point by the batsman
Jalaj Saxena to Danish Malewar, 1 run, goes down on his knee and sweeps this to fine leg for one
Jalaj Saxena to Danish Malewar, no run, lunges forward and knocks this into the off-side
Jalaj Saxena to Danish Malewar, no run, flatter delivery around off, knocked in front of mid-off by Danish Malewar
Jalaj Saxena to Karun Nair, 1 run, played towards point by Karun Nair for a single
Jalaj Saxena to Karun Nair, no run, clipped towards the on-side by Karun Nair
Jalaj Saxena to Karun Nair, 1 run, goes down on his knee and reverse sweeps this towards third man for one
Jalaj Saxena to Danish Malewar, 1 run, flatter delivery on middle and leg, worked through the leg-side
Jalaj Saxena to Danish Malewar, no run, tossed up delivery on middle and leg, clipped to short leg
Jalaj Saxena to Danish Malewar, 2 runs, on the pads, worked through square leg for a couple of runs
Jalaj Saxena to Danish Malewar, no run, tossed up delivery around off, Danish Malewar steers it into the off-side
Jalaj Saxena to Danish Malewar, no run, floated on middle and leg, pushed to mid-on by the batsman
Jalaj Saxena to Karun Nair, 1 run, 200-run lead up. A floated delivery around off, driven to long-off by Karun Nair for a single
Jalaj Saxena to Karun Nair, no run, on a length around middle and leg, clipped to the leg-side by Karun Nair
Jalaj Saxena to Danish Malewar, 1 run, floated on off, pushed to mid-off by Danish Malewar for a single
Jalaj Saxena to Danish Malewar, no run, floated on middle and leg, eased to mid-on by Danish Malewar
Jalaj Saxena to Danish Malewar, no run, on the fuller side, nudged to mid-wicket with soft hands
Jalaj Saxena to Karun Nair, 1 run, tossed up delivery around off, Karun Nair reverse sweeps it to third man for one
Jalaj Saxena to Danish Malewar, 1 run, tad fuller around off, Danish Malewar steers it to third man for a single
Jalaj Saxena to Danish Malewar, 2 runs, tad short outside off, punched through cover for a couple of runs. The fielder in the deep stopped in with a slide, but couldn't prevent the second run
Jalaj Saxena to Danish Malewar, byes, 2 runs, fired down the leg-side as the keeper fails to gather it, a couple of byes taken
Jalaj Saxena to Danish Malewar, no run, drifting on the pads, flicked to mid-wicket by the batsman
Jalaj Saxena to Danish Malewar, no run, eased to mid-on by the batsman
Jalaj Saxena to Danish Malewar, no run, tad short around off, knocked back to the bowler by Danish Malewar
Jalaj Saxena to Karun Nair, 1 run, another reverse sweep from Karun, bends down low and places it behind square on the off-side for a run
Jalaj Saxena to Danish Malewar, 1 run, fraction short and just outside off, punched to mid-off for a quick single
Jalaj Saxena to Danish Malewar, no run, flighted delivery outside off - a big stride forward as Malewar defended
Jalaj Saxena to Karun Nair, 1 run, tossed up well outside off, worked down to long-on for a single
Jalaj Saxena to Karun Nair, 2 runs, Karun brings out the reverse sweep now, bends down low, rolled his wrists and then swept it backward of square on the off-side, comes back for the second
Jalaj Saxena to Karun Nair, no run, flatter and quicker of off, a soft leading edge as Karun went for the tuck
Jalaj Saxena to Karun Nair, no run, loopy delivery on off, clipped to the on-side
Jalaj Saxena to Danish Malewar, 1 run, flatter and wider of off, punched to extra-cover for a single, brings up his fifty as well, a century in the first innings, now a half-century
Jalaj Saxena to Karun Nair, 1 run, flighted delivery on off, skewed off the outer half, behind square on the off-side for a single
Jalaj Saxena to Karun Nair, no run, tossed up just outside off - Karun stays right back in defence
Jalaj Saxena to Danish Malewar, 1 run, flighted delivery on middle, tucked wide of mid-wicket for a single
Jalaj Saxena to Danish Malewar, no run, tossed up on middle, Malewar shuffles across defensively
Jalaj Saxena to Danish Malewar, no run, Saxena tosses one just outside off - Malewar leans across defensively
Jalaj Saxena to Danish Malewar, FOUR, edged and four, pushed through with the arm, held its line and caught Malewar's outside edge on the push, runs away past slip and onto the ropes
Jalaj Saxena to Karun Nair, 1 run, Karun brings out the reverse sweep, places it behind square on the off-side for a single
Jalaj Saxena to Danish Malewar, leg byes, 1 run, the off-break from Saxena, spins and bounces past Malewar's prod, lobs wide of leg slip for a leg-bye
Jalaj Saxena to Danish Malewar, no run, flighted outside off - Malewar leans across defensively
Jalaj Saxena to Danish Malewar, no run, tossed up on off, Malewar leans forward and pushes it to mid-on
Jalaj Saxena to Danish Malewar, 1 run, clipped towards mid-wicket by the batsman. That shall be lunch on day 4
Jalaj Saxena to Danish Malewar, FOUR, tossed up delivery outside off, Danish Malewar drills it through covers for four runs. Proving to be a fine partnership
Jalaj Saxena to Danish Malewar, no run, flatter around middle and leg, clipped to the leg-side by Danish Malewar
Jalaj Saxena to Danish Malewar, no run, fired outside off, Danish Malewar gets hit on the pads as the ball deflects on to the keeper's helmet. The physio is out in the middle to have a check on the keeper
Jalaj Saxena to Karun Nair, 1 run, clipped past the fielder at leg gully for a single
Jalaj Saxena to Karun Nair, no run, flatter through the air, knocked to mid-on with soft hands
Jalaj Saxena to Danish Malewar, 1 run, has a poke and gets an outside edge towards third man for one
Jalaj Saxena to Danish Malewar, FOUR, nicely done. Tossed up delivery outside off, Danish Malewar opens the bat face and gets an educated edge through the vacant slip region. Races away to the fence quickly
Jalaj Saxena to Danish Malewar, no run, on his front foot to nudge this towards mid-wicket
Jalaj Saxena to Danish Malewar, no run, flatter delivery on off, Danish Malewar steers it to point
Jalaj Saxena to Danish Malewar, no run, tossed up delivery on middle and leg, Danish Malewar drives it to mid-on
Jalaj Saxena to Danish Malewar, no run, worked to short leg by the batsman
Jalaj Saxena to Karun Nair, 1 run, pushed down the ground to long-on for a single
Jalaj Saxena to Danish Malewar, 1 run, played into the off-side by Danish Malewar for a single
Jalaj Saxena to Danish Malewar, no run, nudged to the leg-side by the batsman
Jalaj Saxena to Danish Malewar, no run, flatter around off, Danish Malewar knocks it towards point
Jalaj Saxena to Danish Malewar, 2 runs, on his front foot to steer this towards third man for a couple of runs
Jalaj Saxena to Danish Malewar, no run, floated around off, Danish Malewar squeezes in front of extra cover
Jalaj Saxena to Karun Nair, no run, touch fuller on off, Karun Nair squeezes it into the off-side
Jalaj Saxena to Danish Malewar, 1 run, darted outside off, Danish Malewar pats it in front of cover-point for a single
Jalaj Saxena to Danish Malewar, no run, flatter delivery around off, Danish Malewar pats it into the off-side
Jalaj Saxena to Danish Malewar, no run, floated around off, Danish Malewar knocks it down the pitch
Jalaj Saxena to Karun Nair, 1 run, goes down on his knee and reverse sweeps this to third man for one
Jalaj Saxena to Danish Malewar, 1 run, flatter through the air outside off, knocked through extra cover for a single
Jalaj Saxena to Danish Malewar, no run, on his front foot to ease this down the ground
Jalaj Saxena to Danish Malewar, no run, on a length around middle and leg, knocked to mid-on by Danish Malewar
Jalaj Saxena to Danish Malewar, no run, spinning into the batsman as Danish Malewar gets pinned on the pads. That turned square
Jalaj Saxena to Karun Nair, leg byes, 1 run, straighter delivery outside off, some extra bounce as the ball flicks the thigh pad and rolls down towards third man, a leg bye taken..
Jalaj Saxena to Karun Nair, no run, tossed up delivery by the bowler, clipped to mid-wicket by Karun Nair
Jalaj Saxena to Karun Nair, no run, on a length around middle and leg, clipped to short leg by the batsman
Jalaj Saxena to Karun Nair, FOUR, nicely played, Karun brings out the reverse sweep, gets on top of the bounce and then beats backward point to his left, he's been very positive and is looking for every scoring opportunity
Jalaj Saxena to Karun Nair, no run, back to over the wicket - flighted delivery on off, Karun leans forward on the block
Jalaj Saxena to Danish Malewar, 1 run, tossed up on middle and leg, nudged behind square on the on-side for a run
Jalaj Saxena to Danish Malewar, no run, flighted delivery outside off, punched off the back-foot to cover-point
Jalaj Saxena to Danish Malewar, no run, Saxena tosses one just outside off - defended back at the bowler
Jalaj Saxena to Danish Malewar, no run, tossed up on off, Malewar gets well forward in defence
Jalaj Saxena to Karun Nair, 1 run, tossed up wide of off, pushed into the gap past cover for a single
Jalaj Saxena to Danish Malewar, 1 run, tad too flat from Saxena, whipped through mid-wicket for a single
Jalaj Saxena to Danish Malewar, no run, Saxena tosses one just outside off - Malewar prods across and defends it to the on-side
Jalaj Saxena to Danish Malewar, no run, pushed through around off - Malewar shuffles across defensively
Jalaj Saxena to Danish Malewar, no run, flighted delivery and drifting across the right-hander, left alone
Jalaj Saxena to Danish Malewar, no run, tossed up just outside off - Malewar gets a big stride forward as he defended
Jalaj Saxena to Karun Nair, FOUR, nicely played, tad too full and wide of off - Karun leans into the drive and finds the gap wide of cover, no need to run for those
Jalaj Saxena to Karun Nair, no run, dropped short and wide of off, Karun backs away and mistimes the cut to the bowler
Jalaj Saxena to Karun Nair, no run, pushed through with the angle, Karun covers the line and lets it go
Jalaj Saxena to Danish Malewar, 1 run, flighted delivery outside off, punched wide of cover for a single
Jalaj Saxena to Danish Malewar, no run, tossed up and sliding with the angle, Malewar plays inside the line and lets it go
Jalaj Saxena to Karun Nair, 1 run, tossed up just outside off, dropped with soft hands towards cover and they're off for a quick single
Jalaj Saxena to Danish Malewar, no run, Saxena tosses one just outside off, defended back at the bowler
Jalaj Saxena to Danish Malewar, no run, tad too full from Saxena, pushed towards cover
Jalaj Saxena to Danish Malewar, no run, tossed up just outside off, Malewar leans across and turns it onto the on-side
Jalaj Saxena to Karun Nair, 1 run, flighted delivery on middle, punched with a straight bat to long-on
Jalaj Saxena to Karun Nair, no run, tossed up and driftring with the angle, Karun plays forward and is beaten on the outside edge
Jalaj Saxena to Karun Nair, no run, a loud shout for caught behind, it's turned down and they don't review, was the slider and it drifted past Karun's forward press
Jalaj Saxena to Danish Malewar, no run, appeal for LBW, but think this was drifting across the right-hander, but they've reviewed, don't think it spun back at all, coulkd be a wasted review. Was pushed with the arm and Malewar went back on the nudge, struck high on the back-thigh. Has actually straightened a bit, but is it bouncing over? No bat and UltraEdge confirms it, onto ball-tracking: It's umpire's call on hitting, clipping the top of off-stump. Close call, but Danish Malewar gets away and Kerala don't lose their review as well
Jalaj Saxena to Danish Malewar, no run, pushed through with the arm, jabbed off the back-foot to cover-point
Jalaj Saxena to Karun Nair, 1 run, tossed up just outside off, nudged off the inner half, behind square on the on-side for a run
Jalaj Saxena to Karun Nair, no run, flighted delivery on off, Karun shuffles across and defends it back at the bowler
Jalaj Saxena to Karun Nair, no run, tossed up just outside off, Karun leans across and defends it to the on-side
Jalaj Saxena to Danish Malewar, 1 run, tossed up just outside off, steered behind square on the off-side for a single
Jalaj Saxena to Shorey, 1 run, tossed up on middle and leg, nudged wide of mid-wicket for a single
Jalaj Saxena to Shorey, no run, flighted delivery on middle, Shorey goes back and pushes it back at the bowler
Jalaj Saxena to Danish Malewar, 1 run, tad too short from Saxena, punched to the left of cover for a single
Jalaj Saxena to Danish Malewar, no run, flatter and quicker of off, sliding across the right-hander who pokes and misses
Jalaj Saxena to Danish Malewar, no run, flighted delivery outside off, Malewar goes back and defends it to the off-side
Jalaj Saxena to Parth Rekhade, out Bowled!! .. and he strikes immediately, exactly the kind of start Kerala would've wanted to the day's play, tossed up and sliding on with the angle, Parth Rekhade lunged forward as he played for the turn, the bat-pad gap is created and the bal sneaks through, crashing into the top of off-stump. Double failure for Rekhade with the bat and Vidarbha have lost an early wicket once again. Parth Rekhade b Jalaj Saxena 1(5)