Priya Mishra to Sutherland, 1 run, tossed up around off, Sutherland drives off the inner half to deep mid-wicket
Priya Mishra to Lanning, 1 run, dragged short, Lanning pulls it to deep square leg
Priya Mishra to Lanning, no run, very full delivery at the stumps, Lanning jams it off the inner half to short fine
Priya Mishra to Lanning, FOUR, shot! Lanning comes down the track, converts it into a full toss and drives it square of the wicket. There was no sweeper and Lanning just had to pierce the off-side field
Priya Mishra to Sutherland, 1 run, wrong 'un around off, Sutherland drives and squirts an inside edge wide of mid-wicket
Priya Mishra to Lanning, 1 run, run out chance missed. Lanning cuts the googly straight to short third and there's a slight fumble. Sutherland sets off for the single and Lanning is late to respond. The throw goes to the bowler's end and Mishra fails to collect the ball, another chance missed in the field by the Giants
Priya Mishra to Rodrigues, 1 run, spinning into leg, Jemimah shuffles across and clips it to deep square leg
Priya Mishra to Rodrigues, no run, Gujarat Giants lose a review. Height was an issue there. Ball-tracking showed it to be spinning down leg. Mishra was surprised and so were some of the Gujarat players. Wrong 'un and Jemimah sat down, missed the sweep and was really low when the ball struck her helmet grill. The impact was in-line but ball-tracking showed it to be missing leg-stump
Priya Mishra to Lanning, 1 run, floated up outside off, Lanning comes down the track and drives to deep extra cover
Priya Mishra to Lanning, FOUR, short and spinning away, Lanning cracks the cut square of the wicket and there's no sweeper in the deep
Priya Mishra to Rodrigues, 1 run, half tracker and Jemimah pulls it straight to deep square leg. She could have placed that better
Priya Mishra to Rodrigues, no run, tossed up around off, Jemimah pushes it off the inner half to mid-wicket
Priya Mishra to Jonassen, FOUR, that ruins the over. Wrong 'un that's dragged short, Jonassen pulls it square and beats the fielder next to the umpire. No one in the deep to stop the boundary
Priya Mishra to Lanning, 1 run, short and spinning away, Lanning cuts towards extra cover and crosses over
Priya Mishra to Lanning, no run, long hop down leg, Lanning sits down and pulls it straight to short fine. Missed out there..
Priya Mishra to Lanning, no run, comes down the track, converts it into a low full toss and drives it to extra cover
Priya Mishra to Jonassen, 1 run, tossed up around off, Jonassen hangs back and knocks it to long-on
Priya Mishra to Jonassen, no run, floated up and lands it pretty full, Jonassen squeezes the drive to extra cover