Jintimani Kalita to Lanning, 1 run, leg-cutter outside off, cut away to deep backward point
Jintimani Kalita to Rodrigues, 1 run, loopy, slow ball on middle and leg, flicked to midwicket
Jintimani Kalita to Lanning, 1 run, punched to the left of extra cover where Kaur makes a sliding stop
Jintimani Kalita to Lanning, 2 runs, pace-off again, cut to deep point for a couple more
Jintimani Kalita to Lanning, no run, slower ball, Lanning waits to cut but misses
Jintimani Kalita to Lanning, FOUR, fifty for captain Lanning! Second this season. 106.4kph, ample width outside off and Lanning plays late, opens the bat-face and scythes it square of the short third man fielder