Rabada to Latham, out Bowled!! Knocked him over! Another batter who tries to do something innovative and pays the price for it. Latham premeditates and exposes his stumps as he crouches in his stance and shapes to play the scoop. Rabada keeps it simple. He bowls a seam-up delivery on a good length on middle and off. You miss I hit stuff. Latham is beaten for pace and the ball crashes into the stumps. Good little passage for South Africa this. Latham b Rabada 4(5)
Marco Jansen to Latham, 1 run, another slower off-cutter on a length on off, Latham is early into the flick and gets a soft leading edge towards mid-off and scurries across
Marco Jansen to Latham, 1 run, pitched up outside off, Latham leans into it and strokes it to sweeper cover
Marco Jansen to Latham, 1 run, back of a length ball on off, Latham camps back and plays it with soft hands through mid-wicket
Mulder to Latham, 1 run, full on off, Latham gets forward to drive and it's off the thick outer half, rolls to mid-off, quick single taken and one suspects Latham was in even with a direct-hit