Thornton to Sutherland, out Caught by Doggett!! Sutherland c Doggett b Thornton 50(52) [4s-2 6s-1]
Thornton to Sutherland, 2 runs, to backward square leg
Thornton to Sutherland, no run
Thornton to Boland, no run
Thornton to Boland, no run
Thornton to Boland, no run
Thornton to Boland, no run
Thornton to Boland, no run
Thornton to Siddle, out Caught&Bowled!! Siddle c and b Thornton 10(18) [4s-1]
Thornton to Murphy, no run
Thornton to Fergus O Neill, out Caught by McAndrew!! Fergus O Neill c McAndrew b Thornton 8(10) [4s-1]
Thornton to Fergus O Neill, FOUR, to backward square leg
Thornton to Fergus O Neill, no run
Thornton to Sutherland, 1 run, to cover
Thornton to Fergus O Neill, 1 run, to backward square leg
Thornton to Sutherland, 2 runs, to backward square leg
Thornton to Fergus O Neill, 1 run, to third man
Thornton to Fergus O Neill, no run
Thornton to Thomas Rogers, out Caught by Harry Nielsen!! Thomas Rogers c Harry Nielsen b Thornton 26(51) [4s-1]
Thornton to Sutherland, 1 run, to mid-on
Thornton to Sutherland, no run
Thornton to Thomas Rogers, FOUR, straight down the ground
Thornton to Thomas Rogers, no run
Thornton to Thomas Rogers, no run
Thornton to Sutherland, 1 run, to deep square leg
Thornton to Thomas Rogers, 1 run, to sweeper cover
Thornton to Thomas Rogers, no run
Thornton to Thomas Rogers, no run
Thornton to Thomas Rogers, no run
Thornton to Thomas Rogers, no run
Thornton to Thomas Rogers, no run
Thornton to Kellaway, 1 run, to sweeper cover
Thornton to Kellaway, no run
Thornton to Handscomb, no run
Thornton to Kellaway, 1 run, to deep square leg
Thornton to Handscomb, 1 run, to mid-on
Thornton to Handscomb, no run
Thornton to Kellaway, 1 run, square of the wicket
Thornton to Kellaway, no run
Thornton to Marcus Harris, 1 run, to sweeper cover
Thornton to Kellaway, 1 run, to third man
Thornton to Kellaway, no run
Thornton to Kellaway, no run
Thornton to Kellaway, no run
Thornton to Kellaway, no run
Thornton to Kellaway, no run
Thornton to Marcus Harris, 1 run, to square leg
Thornton to Marcus Harris, no run
Thornton to Marcus Harris, no run
Thornton to Marcus Harris, no run
Thornton to Kellaway, 1 run, to fine leg
Thornton to Marcus Harris, no run
Thornton to Marcus Harris, no run
Thornton to Kellaway, leg byes, 1 run
Thornton to Kellaway, no run
Thornton to Kellaway, no run
Thornton to Kellaway, no run