Jeet Raval to Cam Fletcher, out Caught by Popli!! Cam Fletcher c Popli b Jeet Raval 33(88) [4s-4]
Henry Cooper to Cam Fletcher, no run
Henry Cooper to Cam Fletcher, no run
Henry Cooper to Cam Fletcher, no run
Henry Cooper to Cam Fletcher, no run
Henry Cooper to Cam Fletcher, no run
Henry Cooper to Cam Fletcher, no run
Henry Cooper to Cam Fletcher, no run
Henry Cooper to Cam Fletcher, 1 run
Henry Cooper to Cam Fletcher, 1 run
Jeet Raval to Cam Fletcher, 1 run
Jeet Raval to Cam Fletcher, 1 run
Jeet Raval to Cam Fletcher, no run
Rohit Gulati to Cam Fletcher, no run
Rohit Gulati to Cam Fletcher, 1 run
Rohit Gulati to Cam Fletcher, no run
Rohit Gulati to Cam Fletcher, no run
Rohit Gulati to Cam Fletcher, FOUR
Rohit Gulati to Cam Fletcher, no run
Rohit Gulati to Cam Fletcher, no run
Rohit Gulati to Cam Fletcher, no run
Rohit Gulati to Cam Fletcher, no run
Rohit Gulati to Cam Fletcher, no run
Joshua Harvey Brown to Cam Fletcher, 1 run
Joshua Harvey Brown to Cam Fletcher, no run
Joshua Harvey Brown to Cam Fletcher, no run
Rohit Gulati to Cam Fletcher, 1 run
Rohit Gulati to Cam Fletcher, no run
Rohit Gulati to Cam Fletcher, no run
Joshua Harvey Brown to Cam Fletcher, FOUR
Joshua Harvey Brown to Cam Fletcher, 1 run
Joshua Harvey Brown to Cam Fletcher, no run
Joshua Harvey Brown to Cam Fletcher, no run
Rohit Gulati to Cam Fletcher, 1 run
Rohit Gulati to Cam Fletcher, no run
Rohit Gulati to Cam Fletcher, no run
Rohit Gulati to Cam Fletcher, no run
Rohit Gulati to Cam Fletcher, FOUR
Joshua Harvey Brown to Cam Fletcher, 1 run
Joshua Harvey Brown to Cam Fletcher, no run
Rohit Gulati to Cam Fletcher, no run
Rohit Gulati to Cam Fletcher, 1 run
Rohit Gulati to Cam Fletcher, no run
Henry Cooper to Cam Fletcher, no run
Henry Cooper to Cam Fletcher, no run
Henry Cooper to Cam Fletcher, 1 run
Henry Cooper to Cam Fletcher, no run
Henry Cooper to Cam Fletcher, no run
Henry Cooper to Cam Fletcher, no run
Henry Cooper to Cam Fletcher, 1 run
Rohit Gulati to Cam Fletcher, 1 run
Kristian Clarke to Cam Fletcher, no run
Kristian Clarke to Cam Fletcher, no run
Rohit Gulati to Cam Fletcher, no run
Rohit Gulati to Cam Fletcher, no run
Rohit Gulati to Cam Fletcher, no run
Rohit Gulati to Cam Fletcher, no run
Rohit Gulati to Cam Fletcher, no run
Rohit Gulati to Cam Fletcher, no run
Rohit Gulati to Cam Fletcher, no run
Rohit Gulati to Cam Fletcher, no run
Rohit Gulati to Cam Fletcher, no run
Rohit Gulati to Cam Fletcher, no run
Rohit Gulati to Cam Fletcher, no run
Rohit Gulati to Cam Fletcher, no run
Kristian Clarke to Cam Fletcher, 1 run
Kristian Clarke to Cam Fletcher, no run
Kristian Clarke to Cam Fletcher, no run
Kristian Clarke to Cam Fletcher, no run
Kristian Clarke to Cam Fletcher, no run
Kristian Clarke to Cam Fletcher, no run
Kristian Clarke to Cam Fletcher, no run
Kristian Clarke to Cam Fletcher, FOUR
Kristian Clarke to Cam Fletcher, no run
Kristian Clarke to Cam Fletcher, no run
Rohit Gulati to Cam Fletcher, 1 run
Rohit Gulati to Cam Fletcher, no run
Rohit Gulati to Cam Fletcher, no run
Kuggeleijn to Cam Fletcher, no run
Kuggeleijn to Cam Fletcher, no run
Kuggeleijn to Cam Fletcher, no run
Kuggeleijn to Cam Fletcher, no run
Kuggeleijn to Cam Fletcher, no run
Kuggeleijn to Cam Fletcher, no run
Rohit Gulati to Cam Fletcher, 1 run
Rohit Gulati to Cam Fletcher, no run
Rohit Gulati to Cam Fletcher, no run
Rohit Gulati to Cam Fletcher, no run