In a damning email to the ICC, USA Cricket (USAC) directors Kuljit Singh, Arjun Gona and Patricia Whittaker have laid severe accusations on chairman Venu Pisike and his 'allies' on the board. The email was sent on the heels of the ICC board meeting in Colombo where the governing body of the sport is set to take a stock of the USA situation after issuing a direct suspension warning in March and subsequently laying sanctions by allowing 'controlled funding' on 'exceptional basis'.
Three USAC directors write to ICC about alleged harassment and corruption in USA Cricket

It is understood that Singh and Gona's recurrent dissenting emails to the ICC including the latest which was co-authored along with Whittaker was the primary reason behind their temporary suspension from USAC, made public on July 12. It should be noted that mails from USAC board members to the ICC has precedence. Pisike and Srini Salver also co-authored a similar letter to the ICC in 2021 pointing out 'misgovernance' from some of the other directors who formed a majority back then and had implored the ICC to confiscate USAC's World Cup hosting rights.
The email, which Cricbuzz has access to, lays out some grave charges, in particular against Pisike. These include the 'unethical' termination of CEO Dr. Noor Murad, creating a 'toxic and pathetic' environment for the co-authors and 'suppressing' their rights as directors. The mail also mentions 'unconstitutional' appointments of key positions, 'illegitimate' constitutional revision and 'systemic corruption' for electoral gains, lack of transparency over legal costs, 'sabotaging' resolution attempts with ACE and a host of other 'misgovernance' charges.
The email frequently mentions stifling of dissenting voices in board meetings by keeping them muted. The co-authors of the email allege 'intimidation and pressure tactics' to remove them from their directorial posts. "We, as minority members, are being cornered and pressured to step down, with veiled threats suggesting that more aggressive measures could be taken against us if we do not comply," a statement in the email said. The email also states that the board 'employed' various methods to remove Whittaker since 2023 and resorted to using legal opinion using funds from the USAC coffers.
The co-authors opine that similar 'tactics' were used to seek resignations from key staff members like Julie Abbott, Jamie LLoyd, Anand Patel and Burt Cockley. The departures were an attribution to the 'toxic work environment' perpetuated by certain board members, the email stated.
"It's not true for me though. Unfortunately I have been dealing with personal matters which is why I had to resign. I enjoyed my time working at USAC and still have cordial relations with board members, staff, and players" said Anand Patel.
The email further highlighted the 'unconstitutional' nature of independent director Pintoo Shah's re-appointment to the post. The appointment, the email mentions, was made bypassing the Nomination and Governance Committee (NGC). The co-authors further questioned the legitimacy of Chris Lievsay's elevation as NGC chairman. Further, the email deemed some of the recent appointments to key roles to USAC committees to be purely based on 'personal relationships' than merit, also pointing out that some of the appointees other than independent directors weren't active members of USA Cricket, which is a requirement as per constitution.
USAC set forth a motion to amend its constitution in January this year mentioning the need to make it USOPC compliant and 'strengthen' its governance. However, the email mentions the amendments were passed by 'rushing' the voting process. It is alleged that the chairman went against the advice of the attorney, members of the board and membership manager Dhruv Barot to send incorrect data in a media release after the election date. The co-authors claim about 908 'eligible' voters were disenfranchised in the process. The amendment was passed with a 96% majority. "The election was tainted and unconstitutional and has created issues of distrust, rumours of corruption, bias, and lack of confidence" stated the email about the process.
The email also cites another example of election 'engineering' by claiming 'systemic corruption' in the process of selecting a membership management company. As per the email, the Request for Proposal (RFP) was selectively sent to only three companies, one of which was owned by the chairman and his allies' 'friend'. The contract was awarded to the 'friend' as his 'proposal was meticulously crafted to meet every requirement, down to the smallest detail. The email insinuated engineering of the future electorate by restricting individual memberships to only existing leagues.
"This systemic corruption and unethical behaviour clearly indicates that they are manipulating the system to secure their future positions on the board, with little regard for promoting diversity or expanding membership," asserted the email.
The co-authors also expressed their 'concern' over legal invoices amounting to thousands of dollars from two attorneys without any prior knowledge from the board or intimation to the ICC. They further casted doubts over the selection of the attorneys, claiming one of them to be the chairman's 'friend' and how the chair disregarded the previous CEO's suggestion of announcing a tender for legal services for USAC.
"This incident underscores a grave lack of accountability and suggests potential corrupt practices within the Board," commented the email.
The chairman and his 'allies' have also been accused of 'sabotaging' resolution efforts with MLC. The gridlock between USAC and American Cricket Enterprises (ACE - owners of MLC) has been one of the big elephants in the room for the current dispensation. The email accuses the chairman to be feeding 'disinformation' to the American cricket community about ACE, further pointing out how the chairman himself approved the contract between USAC and ACE as he was part of the board that voted unanimously in the favour of the contract in 2019. The chairman disbanded the previous ACE relations committee when he came to power in January 2023 and is currently one of the members on the committee.
Srini Salver, the male player director and the chair of the cricket committee, also found himself under the scanner with charges of 'conflict of interest and corruption'. He has been accused of engaging in coaching activities for fees, which the email termed as 'unethical'. In addition, the email mentions a shared broader 'agenda' with Pisike to exclude USA eligible MLC players (players who moved to America on MLC sponsored visa) to accommodate preferred players of their choice in the national team.
Cricbuzz contacted USAC for their response on the allegations but the board chose to offer no comment at the moment.
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