An independent review ordered by Cricket Australia in the aftermath of the ball tampering saga in the Newlands Test earlier this year has come down heavily on the cricket board, saying it has 'lost its balance and has stumbled badly'.
'CA at fault for enacting a program that led to winning without counting the costs'

The malpractice of altering the condition of the ball led to 12-month bans for captain Steven Smith and his deputy David Warner, along with a nine-month suspension for Cameron Bancroft, who carried out the tampering.
"With the exception of CA's own Board and senior executives, the broad consensus amongst stakeholders is that CA does not consistently 'live' its values and principles. CA is perceived to say one thing and do another. The most common description of CA is as "arrogant" and "controlling"
"Australian cricket has lost its balance ... and has stumbled badly. The reputation of the game of cricket, as played by men, has been tainted. Women's cricket remains unaffected," the review stated. "The leadership of CA should also accept responsibility for its inadvertent [but foreseeable] failure to create and support a culture in which the will-to-win was balanced by an equal commitment to moral courage and ethical restraint."
"While good intentions might reduce culpability - they do not lesson responsibility ... especially not for those who voluntarily take on the mantle of leadership. In our opinion, CA's fault is not that it established a culture of 'win at all costs'. Rather, it made the fateful mistake of enacting a program that would lead to 'winning without counting the costs'.
"It is this approach that has led, inadvertently, to the situation in which cricket finds itself today - for good and for ill. It has also given rise to a series of 'shadow values and principles' - a set of implicit norms that are often driving conduct that is at odds with the requirements of CA's formal Ethical Framework, How We Play, and The Spirit of Cricket."
The 145-page dossier, released on Monday, was Ethics Centre's independent review of Cricket Australia, put together by Dr Simon Longstaff, that also included a player review carried out by former Test cricketer Rick McCosker. The review put forth 42 recommendations for the board, 34 of which have been taken on board now - or are already in place.
Cricket Australia has outright rejected one of those recommendations that would've allowed players to skip International T20 assignments in order to be available for Shield cricket. There are seven other recommendations that will be put under further consideration by Cricket Australia. Among those, there's one that hands umpires the power to send off players - in football style - for any misdemeanours on the field after having already handed the player a warning.
Another crucial recommendation that will be under consideration is the examination of CA's high-performance program to "ensure it develops players with appropriate understanding of ethics, responsibility and personal discretion as well as elite cricket skills."
'Newlands incident not an aberration'
The review went on to state that the commodification of the players by Cricket Australia eventually led to the incidents that took place in the Test against South Africa in March this year, which - according to keen observers of Australian cricket - was 'disappointing but not surprising'.
"One of the most significant findings of this review is that the perceived causes of the ball-tampering incident at Newlands significantly overlap with the perceived current state of cricket in Australia. That is, the evidence suggests that Newlands was not an aberration - a cultural 'outlier'. Rather, it is an extreme example of a latent tendency growing out of the prevailing culture of men's cricket in Australia - especially (but not exclusively) at the elite level."
"In particular, the implementation of the Argus Review's recommendations has led to people feeling as if they are merely means to an end.
"Those who wear 'the baggy green' live in a gilded bubble - disconnected, for much of each year, from families, friends and the grounding influence of community. They see themselves as being part of a machine that is fine-tuned for the sole purpose of winning. The tendency amongst players is grudgingly to accept this as a by-product of being a professional sportsman. Some love it all, at least for some of the time. Most resent being seen as a product or asset," the review said.
"Achieving results is seen to matter most - irrespective of how those results are achieved. Fair and consistent processes are either disregarded or are not in place," it said.
"What CA failed to do was anticipate and correct for a potential lack of balance - and ethical restraint - in the application of the Argus 'blueprint'."
As per the review, there's a common complaint among several players - of being seen as 'assets' of the game, and that "their 'measure' is recorded in runs made, wickets taken, matches won, world rankings. They count for little - perhaps for nothing - outside of those metrics."
This practice, the review says, has led players to dangerously internalise the belief that nothing other than winning the game matters. "For example, a number of elite players made it clear that they would not challenge the bad behaviour of a gifted player - in case doing so would put the player off their game - making the difference between a win or loss," the review said.
"CA has become about numbers/commercial and have lost connection with the human element of what they are charged to steward. Relationships have become secondary to the "deal" whatever that might be and therefore the spirit of the game gets lost," A former Australian player was quoted as saying, in the review.
CA's Ethical Framework
Cricket Australia's ethical framework - described as an expression of purpose, values and principles of an organisation - is said to be 'weakened by the areas of inconsistency'.
"A number of attributes could be interpreted, at face value, as being contradictory. This is particularly significant in relation to the attribute Be Relentless... Play to Win (Make Every Ball Count). It could reasonably be interpreted as promoting behaviours contrary to attributes under other values such as: Be Real, Stronger Together, and Spirit of Cricket. The attribute Show Respect, Talk Straight from Be Real was judged as problematic when compared with attributes from Spirit of Cricket."
"CA's Framework does not include principles fundamental to the Spirit of Cricket. Notably absent are those elements that induce respect for the opposition. The wording seems to be focused on too narrow a sense of 'performance' - one that may not be best suited to the future cricket aspires to create."
Besides 'How We Play', Cricket Australia's formal ethical framework also includes what they describe as 'The Australian Way' - established at the start of Darren Lehmann's tenure as the head coach. The review found some glaring omissions in that document too.
"Other than a reference to 'traditions' there is no mention in the document of the Spirit of Cricket in either The Australian Way, nor is there a reference to the Spirit of Cricket in How We Play. There is no reference in either of the above to respecting the opposition or even to the role of the umpire, which are key components of the Spirit of Cricket."
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